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Well, Tim and Sue are getting married.  Here is the news flash send to me.  You can click directly on this address to mail them.



Hey everyone, for those of you that don't know me I (Ryan French) am one the best men For Tim and Suzie's wedding this summer. We are throwing a buck and doe/ Jack and Jill for them and they've specifically asked for you guys to be invited. If there is someone else you think should be on this list that I've omitted, please pass this email along.

What: Tim and Suzie's Jack and Jill
When: Sat. July 26th at 7:30 until ???
Where: Avonlea Curling Club
101 Railside Road
Don Mills
(East of DVP, South of Lawrence)

*****RSVP Required!!!******

So that we know in advance approximately how many people are coming, we ask that you contact us before July 16th to let us know if you plan on coming. Email me at ryan.french@rogers.com or call me at home, 905-857-0460 to let us know. Look forward to seeing you all there and to hearing from you before that!
PS. I think tickets are $20...I'll double check...includes food, etc.
Also, for those that are willing to provide door prizes, let us know what you'll be bringing. Thanks!

Ryan French